Pelvic Weakness and Incontinence with Pregnancy
Pregnancy and childbirth can strain the muscles of your pelvic floor that keep your bladder closed. When your pelvic floor muscles are stretched and weakened, they can’t easily stop your bladder from leaking. You may notice leaking when you cough, sneeze, lift something, or exercise.
You may find that incontinence continues after you’ve had your baby, but it is easily treatable.
Through properly administered techniques and by performing pelvic floor exercises, you can strengthen these muscles and gain manageable control over any urinary issue. All pregnant women can benefit from pelvic floor exercises, even if you are not noticing incontinence.
Pelvic Floor Treatment at CentraState
CentraState offers physical therapy for incontinence and pelvic conditions. This approach begins with a comprehensive musculoskeletal evaluation. Specific exercises are then customized for you to restore the functional balance of your pelvis, hip, and trunk regions. Depending on your needs, treatment may include:
- Pelvic floor exercises to strengthen and tone muscles and improve control
- Biofeedback to help you know that you’re contracting and relaxing the right muscles
- Education and lifestyle changes that decrease bladder incontinence
- Maintenance of a bladder diary to aid in retraining and keeping track of progress
- Relaxation, meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques