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Podiatric Medicine and Surgery


CentraState’s Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Program provides comprehensive diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical, and rehabilitative services for foot, ankle, and lower leg injuries and conditions. Our board-certified podiatrists evaluate and treat a wide range of conditions in children and adults.

With 28 bones connected by joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments, the foot is one of the most complex parts of the body. Foot pain can significantly interfere with mobility and the activities of daily living. In addition, foot misalignments and other functional issues can cause other parts of the body to compensate, leading to problems such as knee, back, and hip pain.


CentraState’s Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Program provides comprehensive diagnostic, therapeutic, surgical, and rehabilitative services for foot, ankle, and lower leg injuries and conditions. Our board-certified podiatrists evaluate and treat a wide range of conditions in children and adults.

With 28 bones connected by joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments, the foot is one of the most complex parts of the body. Foot pain can significantly interfere with mobility and the activities of daily living. In addition, foot misalignments and other functional issues can cause other parts of the body to compensate, leading to problems such as knee, back, and hip pain.


foot surgery-min

Our podiatric surgeons perform a wide variety of outpatient and inpatient procedures at CentraState’s Ambulatory Surgery Center. This includes:

  • Joint repair or replacement for problems such as bunions and hammertoes, which develop over time and often become chronically painful, especially in disorders like rheumatoid arthritis
  • Removal of neuromas (painful benign nerve tumors of the foot)
  • Removal and biopsy of soft tissue lesions
  • Repair of ruptured or torn tendons of the foot and ankle
  • Removal of heel spurs
  • Use of shock wave therapy or endoscopic plantar fasciotomy to relieve heel pain
  • Repair of foot fractures from sports-related injuries or accidents
  • Treatment of wounds and ulcerations
Foot ankle care min

Regular care from a podiatrist can be beneficial for anyone with foot issues, especially those with diabetes or poor circulation. At times, our podiatrists are asked to examine patients after admission to CentraState Medical Center for problematic foot conditions that require care.

Non-healing wounds can result from a variety of conditions that can limit or obstruct blood flow to the legs or arms, such as diabetes, peripheral artery disease, lymphedema, or peripheral vascular disease. Our podiatrists are key members of the multidisciplinary team at the Central Jersey Wound Treatment Center located at CentraState’s Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus. Working together with advanced practice nurses, physical therapists, and other physician specialists—including general, vascular, and plastic surgeons—they help diagnose and treat non-healing wounds and ulcers.
Diabetes and foot screenings
Podiatrists at CentraState offer free foot screenings annually in conjunction with CentraState’s Novo Nordisk Diabetes Center as part of our effort to educate patients with diabetes and manage or prevent foot issues. For information about these screenings, call (732) 294-2574.


Henry Miller, DPM

Henry Miller, DPM


Alison DeWaters-LaBianca, DPM AD

Alison DeWaters-LaBianca, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Brent Rosenthal, DPM

Brent Rosenthal, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Holli Alster, DPM

Holli Alster, DPM


Marc Cohen, DPM

Marc Cohen, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Amy Gesualdi, DPM AG

Amy Gesualdi, DPM


Anthony Fiorilli, DPM

Anthony Fiorilli, DPM


Steven Lemberger, DPM

Steven Lemberger, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Steven Plotka, DPM SP

Steven Plotka, DPM


Keith Rosenthal, DPM KR

Keith Rosenthal, DPM


Allie Cohen, DPM

Allie Cohen, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Richard Leichter, DPM RL

Richard Leichter, DPM


Julian Sansone, DPM JS

Julian Sansone, DPM


Elliott Lehrer, DPM

Elliott Lehrer, DPM


Faith Schick, DPM

Faith Schick, DPM


Alan Bass, DPM AB

Alan Bass, DPM


Wesley Nesbit, DPM

Wesley Nesbit, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Alan Tuchman, DPM AT

Alan Tuchman, DPM


Sina Safar, DPM SS

Sina Safar, DPM


Rose Ann Caruso, DPM

Rose Ann Caruso, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

Katherine Florio Suskevich, DPM

Katherine Florio Suskevich, DPM

Foot and Ankle Surgery, Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry

James Polowczyk, DPM

James Polowczyk, DPM

Podiatric Surgery, Podiatry



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