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Health Care Equity

Health Equity2024-06-10T09:45:02-04:00

At CentraState, ensuring health equity is not only a strategic priority – it’s part of the heart of our healthcare system. Our team members are truly invested in the health and well-being of all people throughout our region.

What Is Health Equity?

Health equity means that every person has the opportunity to achieve the healthiest life possible, regardless of race, ethnic background, socioeconomic status and other factors.

Unfortunately, many people face health inequities – or health disparities – that prevent them from attaining their full health potential. Because of these disparities, they may have differences in length of life, quality of life, rates or severity of disease and access to care.

How Is CentraState Helping?

At CentraState, we work to identify where health disparities exist, address these inequities and connect people to resources to achieve better health. Here are just some of the strategies we use.

We pinpoint areas of need in many ways. For example, our population health coordinators identify gaps in care access based on patient data and demographics using certified and confidential Epic electronic health record technology. We also screen inpatients for social factors that impact health equity – also called social determinants of health – such as access to food, transportation, medication, housing, utilities and personal safety.

Once social and clinical needs are identified, our health equity coordinators, social workers and clinicians connect patients to the specific resources they need for better well-being. Team members provide education on health conditions and chronic disease management to help patients prevent risks and complications. We participate in local, regional and national quality improvement activities focused on reducing health disparities. In addition, we recruit diverse and bilingual team members and train staff in culturally sensitive care, diversity, equity and inclusion.

Beyond our own walls, our team members connect with people where they work and live to expand access to health resources for underserved populations. Outreach ranges from mobile food pantries and community suppers to free screenings and chronic disease management programs. Since the pandemic, our population health team has provided countless protective vaccines for people in area prisons and migrant communities.

We’re proud to partner with community organizations and agencies to ensure better health for all. We broaden our impact in reducing health disparities by working with organizations such as Neighborhood Connections to Health, Ocean Monmouth Health Alliance, food pantries, faith-based organizations, local school systems, county social service agencies and health departments.

CentraState’s Health Equity Initiatives and Resources

Community Resource Directory

Browse a comprehensive directory of local community resources and social programs available to support your overall health, such as accessing healthy food, medication assistance, transportation and housing resources and much more. To find community resources in your area based on your needs and preferences, search by zip code and category or keyword.

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