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Outpatient Infusion Department2023-01-25T08:53:13-05:00

Outpatient Infusion Department

CentraState’s Outpatient Infusion Department is located in the Donna O’Donnell, RN, Medical Arts Building, adjacent to CentraState Medical Center. Our skilled staff helps patients who require infusions of chemotherapy, antibiotics, blood transfusions or other outpatient therapies as directed by your physician. The Outpatient Infusion Department is equipped with reclining chairs near large windows, blankets, TVs, snacks, lunches, and more — all to keep you relaxed and comfortable.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 732-294-2889.

Outpatient Infusion Department
Donna O’Donnell, RN, Medical Arts Building, Suite 104
901 West Main Street
Freehold, NJ 07728


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