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Important Risk Factors and Health Screenings for LGBTQ+ Patients

By |2023-06-01T11:37:04-04:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: |

The LGBTQ+ population faces many social, economic, and emotional barriers that discourage them from seeking healthcare services, putting them at risk for certain health problems. From lack of insurance and access to care to outright discrimination, these disparities make it vital for clinicians to offer a safe, non-judgmental environment [...]

Graft-Free ACL Knee Repair with BEAR

By |2023-05-08T15:38:19-04:00May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: |

You don’t need to be a professional athlete to suffer an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. Luckily, you also don’t need to be a professional athlete to access a state-of-the-art surgical approach to repair the injury. The ACL is a ligament in your knee that attaches the tibia (shinbone) to [...]

Highly Specialized Liver Cancer Surgery Eases Recovery

By |2023-05-04T11:04:14-04:00May 1st, 2023|Categories: Cancer|Tags: |

CentraState is one of just a few healthcare systems in the state to remove liver cancer through minimally invasive surgery – and this specialized approach benefits patients of all ages. Just ask Ernest Tripetsky.Last year, the 86-year-old Manalapan resident – who had prior surgeries at CentraState for bladder cancer and [...]

5 Headache Triggers That May Surprise You

By |2023-05-01T11:58:25-04:00May 1st, 2023|Categories: Health A-Z|

The vice grip. The temple throb. The pounding hammer. Not all headaches and migraines feel the same, but when one hits, it can be debilitating. Most people are familiar with common triggers like stress, but the following not-so-common triggers could also be culprits, according to CentraState family medicine physician [...]

Freedom from Painful Periods

By |2023-05-04T11:05:16-04:00May 1st, 2023|Categories: Women’s Health|Tags: |

For eight years, Manalapan resident Lacey Reyes suffered from painful, heavy menstrual periods. She bled so much that she needed iron IV infusions to treat severe anemia, a condition in which the body lacks enough iron to make healthy red blood cells. During her period, the 39-year-old stayed home [...]


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