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How to Create a Sleep Sanctuary in 5 Easy Steps

By |2020-04-28T11:22:32-04:00June 7th, 2018|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

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Do you dream about getting a good night’s sleep? You’re not alone. Between work, kids, aging parents and endless to-do lists, it’s hard to turn off your mind when you turn off the lights.

Try these tips from Isabella Kaplunovich, RRT, RST, sleep specialist at CentraState, for transforming your bedroom to create a sleep sanctuary:

  1. Clear the Clutter: Make sure you bedroom is clean, serene and clutter-free.
  2. Keep it Cool: Studies show 65° is the ideal sleeping temperature.
  3. Power Down: Laptops, tablets and smart phones emit an artificial light that can throw off your body’s internal clock by confusing your brain into thinking it’s daytime.
  4. Go Dark: Keep your room as dark as possible while you’re sleeping. It helps your body’s natural sleep cycle to kick in.
  5. Make Your Bed: There’s something about folding down your blanket and slipping into soft, clean sheets that lets you gently drift into dreamland.


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