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3 Things OB/GYNs Wish You’d Do Before You Get Pregnant

By |2018-08-21T09:05:10-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Pregnancy and Parenting|Tags: , |

1. Schedule a visit with an OB/GYN
Set up an appointment with an ob/gyn before trying conceive in order to to evaluate your health, medical history, menstrual cycle, and ensure the healthiest pregnancy possible.

2. Maintain a healthy weight
Having a low or high body mass index (BMI) can make it harder to get pregnant, and can create pregnancy and delivery complications. Talk to your doctor about how to achieve your weight goals.

3. Take folic acid
Take a folic acid supplement (between 400 and 800 mcg) BEFORE trying to conceive to help protect your baby should you get pregnant.

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