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Ditch Dieting and Make Wellness a “Weigh of Life”

By |2019-08-05T15:37:36-04:00January 9th, 2019|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

Strict dieting isn’t easy or effective for the long run. Instead, make small, gradual changes to your lifestyle that will help you peel off the pounds and keep them off.

CentraState’s Weigh of Life program takes you on a 12-month journey to a healthier you. With experts as your partners and your peers as support buddies, you’ll get the tools and strategies you need to feel great, stay accountable, and keep motivated.

“Unlike fad diets, Weigh of Life is flexible and realistic,” says certified health specialist Tiffany Larkin. “You’ll learn how to include foods you enjoy without feeling guilty. It’s about progress, not perfection.”

We’ll explore how you can achieve a healthy weight by enjoying delicious, good-for-you foods and increasing physical activity to fire up your calorie burn. You’ll also learn how to cope with stress and emotional triggers by making smarter choices.

Ready to transform your life? Learn more about the Weigh of Life one-year program by calling 732.308.0570.

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