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Flipping the Script on a First-time Birth

By |2024-05-10T08:42:15-04:00July 12th, 2023|Categories: Patient Stories, Pregnancy and Parenting|Tags: , , , |

When Rebecca Pauley learned she was pregnant, she envisioned a routine birthing experience. However, baby Rafael had his own plans. CentraState’s team in the delivery room helped her avoid a C-section and give birth to her baby boy safely.

A Morganville resident born at CentraState, Rebecca discussed her birth plan with her doctors, OBGYNs Borislava Burt-Libo, DO, and Michael Kirwin, MD. However, when Rafael still hadn’t arrived at 40 weeks and six days, her doctors recommended she be induced.

“With labor and delivery, we prepare for all possibilities,” Dr. Burt-Libo explains. “Patients do best when they come in with an open mind and a positive attitude, which Rebecca did. She knew what she wanted but understood that sometimes plans change.”

Rebecca received medication to hasten labor, and maternity nurse April Curry, RN, BSN, helped manage her pain. Then, the team learned that Rafael was “sunny side up,” meaning he was head down in the birth canal but facing up, which can make labor more difficult. He needed to turn over to avoid a potential C-section birth.

“Nurse Aimee Burgess was fantastic,” Rebecca says. “She moved me into different positions to get the baby to flip over, and it worked.” An hour later, Rafael was delivered vaginally by Dr. Burt-Libo, with proud father Alex Diaz by Rebecca’s side.

“Dr. Burt-Libo cheered me on during labor and worked with the nurses to make sure I didn’t push too hard and injure myself,” Rebecca says. “Their teamwork ensured I had an easy recovery.”

“First-time labors and especially inductions can take a very long time,” Dr. Burt-Libo says. “Any time we induce labor, there’s an increased risk of C-section because the mother’s body may not respond to the medications, or there’s a specific reason why labor didn’t progress naturally. Our nurses and physicians always go that extra mile to try to give patients the outcome they’re hoping for.”

Support Starts Early

CentraState’s First Impressions Maternity Center features experienced, board-certified OBGYNs and Magnet®-recognized registered nurses dedicated to ensuring safe and healthy labor and birth practices. In addition, neonatologists and anesthesiologists are available onsite 24/7 if needed.

Rebecca’s positive experience at CentraState started several months before giving birth. Since it was her first pregnancy, she had a lot of questions and was understandably nervous. Her doctors encouraged her to go to the hospital if she felt something wasn’t right.

“From the first time I came in until we left with Rafael in our arms, the staff made me feel super comfortable and well cared for,” Rebecca says.

Learn more about maternity services at CentraState at or 866-CENTRA7 (866-236-8727). To take a virtual tour of the maternity center visit

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