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Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis

By |2024-05-24T10:14:18-04:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Neuroscience, Patient Stories|Tags: , , , |

“I believe firmly in the MS Center at CentraState. The mental, the physical, the social aspects of MS... it was able to get me thinking clearly about the disease. It allows me to continue living with it.” —Daynne Glover

Almost seven years ago, Daynne Glover had just gotten married and was on top of the world. But when she returned from her honeymoon in St. Lucia in late summer 2007, she recalls, “I just woke up one day and had a lot of numbness in my hands and feet, along with some eyesight problems and severe fatigue.”

Daynne, who now works as the assistant director at the nonprofit Child Care Resources in Neptune, was healthy, athletic and right out of college. Initially, she recalls, “I didn’t think it was anything. Still, I was kind of thrown off.”

When her symptoms continued, her family doctor performed an MRI that showed lesions on her brain. Further tests determined Daynne, now 29, had multiple sclerosis (MS).

Seeking comprehensive, specialized treatment, Daynne found Amos Katz, MD, board-certified neurologist and medical director of The Linda E. Cardinale MS Center at CentraState.

According to Dr. Katz, who has been treating MS patients for more than 30 years, MS usually strikes between the ages of 20 and 50, but it is manageable if diagnosed and treated early. Some MS patients have severe symptoms; others experience milder symptoms. “It’s quite variable,” he adds.

About 10 different medications are available as disease-modifying drugs, including new oral medications that help prevent attacks, progression and new MRI abnormalities.

Daynne now sees Dr. Katz regularly and has taken part in the Amos Katz, MD, board-certified neurologist Center’s 12-week wellness program. “Patients love it,” Dr. Katz says. “They learn about MS symptoms and treatments, as well as do therapeutic exercises like swimming, yoga and tai chi.”

“For me, going to the wellness program was accepting that I had MS,” Daynne says. “It was more of a mental transformation for me. Being in a group of people that had MS was helpful.”

She also credits the group with helping her take on the challenges of working full time and raising her two-year-old daughter, Mollea. After her daughter was born, Daynne cautiously began taking medications, being extremely careful during breastfeeding. Daynne says her MS symptoms relapsed after her pregnancy, so she had to take time off from work and focus on her health.

She says her employer has been “amazing throughout my trials with MS. I am able to pursue my passion in working with the families and children of Monmouth County while being cognizant of my health.”

She also credits her “amazing husband, Kristopher, who came to acceptance, as well,” she says. “We both sort of had transformations. He recognizes when things are getting a bit overwhelming.”

Right now, Daynne is feeling good, and instead of looking too far ahead to how MS might manifest down the road, she looks ahead to having more children. But that positive outlook is something she admits she might not have achieved without the wellness group.

“I believe firmly in the MS Center at CentraState,” Daynne says. “The mental, the physical, the social aspects of MS… it was able to get me thinking clearly about the disease. It allows me to continue living with it.”

For more information about multiple sclerosis, or to schedule an appointment for an evaluation, second opinion and treatment, call the Linda E. Cardinale MS Center at 732-294-2505 or visit

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