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New Robotic Assistance Technology for Total Knee Replacement Means Longer-Lasting Relief

By |2024-05-10T08:08:56-04:00July 12th, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z, Orthopedics|Tags: , |

You may be able to push through occasional knee pain with rest and pain relievers, but once you’ve crossed the point where the pain becomes persistent, you have decreased mobility or range of motion, or you have a grating sensation in your joints, you could be a candidate for total knee arthroplasty (TKA), also known as total knee replacement surgery.

CentraState’s orthopedists strive to provide a joint replacement that lasts a lifetime, something possible with the support of the ROSA® Knee System. While robotic assistance platforms are nothing new to the healthcare world, the ROSA Knee System is made specifically for joint replacement and CentraState is one of only a few hospitals in New Jersey to offer it.

According to Alan Nasar, MD, board-certified orthopedic surgeon and director of the Total Joint Center of New Jersey at CentraState, the key to a successful knee replacement surgery is a care plan that is customized to the makeup and structure of each patient’s knee and ensures that:

  1. The implants are the right size.
  2. The replacement joints are in the right position and in alignment with the whole leg.
  3. The knee has proper rotation once the implant is in place.

The ROSA Knee System is a data-driven robotic assistant that helps orthopedists achieve all three of these goals.

“The ROSA Knee System allows us to use real-time feedback on motion and stability to make surgical adjustments throughout the procedure, helping to achieve more accurate, longer-lasting results for our patients,” says Michael Greller, MD, MBA, board-certified orthopedic surgeon.

“Studies have shown improved precision with the ROSA Knee System, meaning that we can perform these procedures better than by hand or by eye alone,” says Dr. Nasar. “We can also get accurate measurements at the time of the procedure rather than before, saving patients from having to go through extensive preoperative testing or imaging.”

Currently, this system is used solely for total knee replacement procedures, but Drs. Nasar and Greller are looking forward to expanding the capabilities in the future to include partial knee replacement and hip replacement.

mymobility® and a Smart Watch Offer a Leg Up on Knee Replacement Surgery

CentraState is the only hospital in the area pairing the ROSA Knee System with the mymobility program, and joint surgery patients can expect to see markedly better outcomes following their surgery.

Through mymobility, qualifying surgical patients who opt in to the program are loaned a smart watch preloaded with a digital management care app. The mobile application keeps patients informed of their care plan, exercise goals, and medications while allowing physicians to track their progress. It also keeps the lines of communication open for physicians to make any necessary adjustments to the post-surgical care plan. A hospital coordinator helps facilitate the flow of information by serving as a liaison between patients and physicians.

Learn more about orthopedic services at CentraState at or 866-CENTRA7 (866-236-8727)

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