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Pelvic Health & Pregnancy

By |2024-06-21T12:36:29-04:00April 12th, 2024|Categories: Physical Therapy, Pregnancy and Parenting, Women’s Health|Tags: , , |

Some women may think pelvic floor issues are a normal part of the pregnancy journey and postpartum healing process – or they may be too embarrassed to speak up. But when you share any concerns with your doctor, you can return to normal function more quickly while also preventing long-term issues.

“Pelvic health for women remains a taboo topic,” says Vivian Mishan, MD, an OB/GYN at Women’s Health Specialists of CentraState. “We’re trying to raise awareness that pelvic floor disorders are real issues that mothers go through – and they can and should be addressed.”

“After age 20, one in four women will likely experience a pelvic floor-related issue,” adds CentraState certified pelvic floor therapist Sarit Kisin, PT, DPT, PRPC. “And the more children you have, the higher the risk for dysfunction.”

When to Speak Up

Any bodily function that is not performing the same during or after pregnancy should be flagged with your doctor, including:

Pelvic or back pain – From pregnancy through childbirth, your muscles, nerves and joints go through extreme stress that may create lasting health issues.

Urinary incontinence – A weakened pelvic floor can lead to urinary leakage when you sneeze, cough or laugh.

Fecal (bowel) incontinence – This can range from occasional leakage while passing gas to losing control of your bowels.

Pain during intercourse – The pressure placed on the pelvic muscles during pregnancy, vaginal tearing during birth and vaginal dryness caused by hormone fluctuations can make intercourse painful.

Pelvic heaviness – Weakening of the muscles and tissues supporting pelvic organs may create a heavy sensation, which could be a sign of a pelvic organ slipping from its normal position.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

CentraState’s Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Program is led by experts skilled in treating pelvic floor issues during and after pregnancy. Postpartum pelvic floor therapy can begin as early as six to eight weeks after birth with your OB/GYN’s clearance a customized treatment plan may include:

  • Education on body mechanics
  • Therapeutic exercises to rebuild core muscles
  • Biofeedback techniques to retrain muscles
  • Relaxation, stretching, yoga, and breathing techniques
  • Other specialized techniques to relive tension, facilitate healing, and reduce pain and inflammation

in the making,” says Janice Paredes Alvarez, PT, DPT, a certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner at CentraState. “Tissues retract for months, and it takes time to get that back. In addition to addressing pelvic floor issues during pregnancy, we can help reduce discomfort and promote faster healing once baby arrives.”


To learn more, visit our pelvic floor therapy services page.

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