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Time Doesn’t Heal All Wounds: 7 Signs It’s Time To See a Wound Specialist

By |2021-09-29T10:54:21-04:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: |

There’s an old English proverb that says, “Time heals all wounds,” but doctors will tell you that the saying is only true for some.

As a general rule of thumb, it should take two weeks for a wound to start healing and four weeks to complete the process, says Anthony Fiorilli, DPM, co-director of Central Jersey Wound and Edema Treatment Center at CentraState.

Depending on the type, location, size, and severity of the injury and any pre-existing conditions, however, some people cannot rely on time alone and will have to seek the specialized attention of a physician to ensure that their wounds heal properly and remain infection-free within a few months of treatment, he adds.


Whether your wound is the result of an accident or a post-surgical incision, your body will often show you signs of improper healing or infection. Some of these red flags include:

  1. Pain at the site. While it’s not uncommon to have pain after an injury or surgery, it should begin to ease over time with less need for anti-inflammatory medication as the days go by.
  2. Redness and swelling. Redness and swelling at the wound site often occur immediately after injury or surgery but should show improvement each day.
  3. Fluid drainage and odor. Especially after surgery, you should expect to see some clear or slightly yellow drainage from the incision site. Fluid that is cloudy, green, or has a bad odor could be a sign of infection and should be reported to your physician immediately.
  4. Fever. Following surgery, low-grade fevers should come as no surprise, but temperatures over 101 degrees could be a cause for concern.
  5. Darkening of the skin at the edge of the wound. Skin darkening could be an indication of improper blood flow to the wound.

When it comes to wound care, your own medical history should also play a role in how proactive you are in seeking treatment.

  1. History of healing problems. If you’ve previously had issues with wound healing, consult a wound care specialist sooner rather than later.
  2. Pre-existing medical conditions. Chronic conditions like diabetes, cardiac disease, vascular disease, and disorders of the immune system can greatly impact the wound healing process and how it needs to be treated.


Physicians who deal with wound care collaborate with primary care doctors and specialists to develop individualized treatment plans. Together, they take into consideration the type of wound, pre-existing conditions, and whether patients can maintain care on their own.

The most important thing to realize is that even the smallest of wounds can snowball into much larger issues like infection, hospitalization, or surgery for more severe conditions if they are not treated properly. Pay attention to the signs and call your doctor as soon as your body tells you there could be a greater issue at play.

Learn more about the Central Jersey Wound and Edema Treatment Center at CentraState at or 866-659-6863.

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