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Weight Loss Surgery Leads to Lifestyle Gain

By |2024-06-21T12:32:04-04:00April 12th, 2024|Categories: Bariatrics, Health A-Z|Tags: , , , , |

Doug Brooks has struggled with his weight since high school, and it continued to climb through adulthood. Four years ago, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Howell resident to work from home, his weight spiked from 220 pounds to 300 pounds. Easily fatigued and experiencing excruciating hip and knee pain, Doug had to use an electric cart to shop.

“Quite simply, my activity level decreased while my calorie intake increased,” Doug explains. “Some people eat to live; I lived to eat. My doctor said I was a walking heart attack.”

A Surgical Jump Start

In fall 2021, when he was ready to lose the weight, Doug called CentraState bariatric surgeon Val Prokurat, MD, DO.

“Bariatric surgery is just as safe as having your gallbladder removed, and because the procedure is performed robotically, there’s less pain and a quicker recovery than traditional surgery,” Dr. Prokurat says. “It can reduce the production of ghrelin – the hormone that tells the brain it’s hungry – by more than 70%, leading to two to three times higher weight loss than injectable weight loss medications.”

The Bariatric Center at CentraState is a Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. This designation reflects a commitment to providing a comprehensive, safe surgical solution to obesity. The center’s multidisciplinary team supports patients through every facet of the surgical weight loss process.
Doug’s determination made him an excellent candidate for gastric sleeve surgery. The minimally invasive procedure reforms the stomach into a narrow banana shape by removing a large section of the organ. This restricts the amount of food he can eat and prevents the production of ghrelin.

After having surgery and working with a nutritionist to focus on healthy eating habits, Doug now weighs about 185 pounds and feels 20 years younger. With more energy, he’s traded the motorized cart for a mountain bike, riding more than three miles most days. He also started golfing again, an activity he gave up because of his weight.

“Having bariatric surgery is the smartest thing I’ve ever done,” Doug says. “I’ve gained so much by eating less.”


To learn more, visit our bariatric surgery services page.

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