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Five Ways to Ensure Setting Back the Clock Doesn’t Set You Back

By |2022-09-20T16:23:44-04:00October 21st, 2022|Categories: Health A-Z|Tags: , |

It’s that time again to set the clock back and gain an hour of sleep in the morning. Nice! But what about losing that hour of daylight?

While both springing forward and falling back can disrupt your circadian rhythms and cause a sort of temporary jet lag, setting the clock back has its unique challenges, explains Samuel Krachman, D.O., of the Sleep Center at CentraState. Less sunlight exposure can cause lower levels of vitamin D and serotonin production, which can cause a lack of energy and depressive symptoms.

Follow these tips to avoid a “falling back” funk:

  1. Shift gradually into the new time schedule. Go to bed and get up 10-15 minutes earlier several days before the change.
  2. Stick to your sleep schedule. Once you’ve made the shift, stay consistent with sleep and wake times.
  3. Soak up the sun. Get your daily dose of vitamin D by going outside for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Practice good sleep habits. Sleep in a cool room (65 degrees is ideal) with no TV or phone distractions.
  5. Stay active. Whether it’s getting up to stretch, doing jumping jacks, or squeezing in some squats, moving throughout the day will keep your energy up.

Have trouble falling asleep? Listen to a guided meditation to help you drift into a deep, restorative sleep. Available for free at

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