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Outdoor Safety Tips for Kids

By |2024-05-10T08:37:10-04:00April 10th, 2018|Categories: Pediatrics, Pregnancy and Parenting|Tags: |

What kid doesn’t love having fun in the great outdoors? Here are some tips to keep them safe.

Prevent Dehydration
Make sure your child is fully hydrated before leaving the house to play outside. Send them with a refillable water bottle to drink from throughout the day.

Take Breaks
Taking a short break after every 20-25 minutes of exercise can give your child the chance to refuel and rest.

Adult Supervision
Overseeing that children use equipment properly and practice safe behavior can help to avoid injury or accidents.

Beware of Bugs
Avoid flower patterns or fragrances that can attract bees. Keep all food and drink containers around the area closed.

Be Home by Dark
The sunset should be a signal for your child to head inside for the night. Limited lighting is an accident waiting to happen.

Safety First
Make sure your child wears the appropriate protective gear when playing outside. Helmets, kneepads, and even the proper footwear can help to prevent injury.

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